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Terraform Provider for Okta's Advanced Server Access (Okta's ASA)


This provider is now deprecated. Okta has released a replacement provider that contains all functionality provided by this provider as well as support for additional resource types. Please migrate to the OktaPAM Terraform provider.

NOTE: The OktaPAM Terraform Provider is not backwards compatible with this provider. However, the new provider supports data sources which will allow users to import current ASA configuration into Terraform for use with the new provider.


  • Terraform 0.12.x
  • Go 1.13+ (to build the provider plugin)

Building The Provider

Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/

$ git clone $GOPATH/src/

Go to the provider directory and build the provider

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make build

Using the provider

Set the following environment variables prior to running: Okta's ASA API key, secret and team name.

export OKTAASA_KEY_SECRET=<secret here>
export OKTAASA_KEY=<key here>
export OKTAASA_TEAM=<team name>

There are three main resources that you need to provision:

  1. Project - project is an authorization scope. It associates a collection of resources with a set of configurations, including RBAC and access policies.
  2. Enrollment token - using enrollment token, you can add servers to a project.
  3. Groups - in order to give access to a project, you need to assign a group to it.

Sample terraform plan:

resource "oktaasa_project" "demo-stack" {
  project_name = "tf-test"

resource "oktaasa_enrollment_token" "test-token" {
  project_name = "${oktaasa_project.demo-stack.project_name}"
  description = "Token for X"

resource "oktaasa_enrollment_token" "test-import-token" {
  project_name = "${oktaasa_project.demo-stack.project_name}"
  description = "Token for Y"

resource "oktaasa_assign_group" "group-assignment" {
  project_name = "${oktaasa_project.demo-stack.project_name}"
  group_name = "cloud-sre"
  server_access = true
  server_admin = true
  create_server_group = false

resource "oktaasa_assign_group" "dev-group-assignment" {
  project_name = "${oktaasa_project.demo-stack.project_name}"
  group_name = "cloud-support"
  server_access = true
  server_admin = true



Example usage:

resource "oktaasa_project" "demo-stack" {
  project_name = "tf-test"


  • project_name (Required) - name of the project.
  • next_unix_uid (Optional - Default: 60101) - Okta's ASA will start assigning Unix user IDs from this value
  • next_unix_gid (Optional - Default: 63001) - Okta's ASA will start assigning Unix group IDs from this value

Enrollment token

Enrollment is the process where Okta's ASA agent configures a server to be managed by a specific project. An enrollment token is a base64 encoded object with metadata that Okta's ASA Agent can configure itself from.

Example usage:

resource "oktaasa_enrollment_token" "stack-x-token" {
  project_name = "tf-test"
  description = "Token for X stack"


  • project_name (Required) - name of the project.
  • Description (Required) - free form text field to provide description. You will NOT be able to change it later without recreating a token.

Create Group

If groups is not synced from Okta, you may need to create in Okta's ASA.

resource "oktaasa_create_group" "test-tf-group" {
  name = "test-tf-group"


  • name (Required) - name for Okta's ASA group.

NOTE: group is created with basic access_user access. It does not give any privileges in Okta's ASA console. Creation of groups with access_admin and reporting_user is currently not supported in the provider.

Assign group to project

In order to give access to project, you need to assign Okta group to a project. Use "server_access" and "server_admin" parameters to control access level.

Example usage:

resource "oktaasa_assign_group" "sg-cloud-group-access" {
  project_name = "tf-test"
  group_name = "cloud-ro"
  server_access = true
  server_admin = false
  create_server_group = true


  • project_name (Required) - name of the project.
  • server_access (bool) (Required) - Whether users in this group have access permissions on the servers in this project.
  • server_admin (bool) (Required) - Whether users in this group have sudo permissions on the servers in this project.
  • create_server_group (bool) (Optional - Default: true) - will make Okta's ASA synchronize group name to linux box. To avoid naming collision, group created by Okta's ASA will have prefix of "oktaasa_"

Remove/destroy configured parameters

To remove configurations that were created with Terraform, do the following. Refer to the for the defined resources and review the "resource_type" and "resource_name" values.

resource "resource_type" "resource_name" {

Or, at a commandline prompt where you have sourced the terraform binaries, enter "terraform state list" (without the quotes). You should get a list like the following.

[root@ip-172-31-20-120 terraform-provider-oktaasa]# terraform state list

Compile the terraform destroy command with the -target arguments in the following format:

terraform destroy -target RESOURCE_TYPE.NAME -target RESOURCE_TYPE2.NAME -target RESOURCE_TYPE3.NAME

An example would be like the following. Note that destroying the demo-project also destroys certain parameters like the tokens. However, the groups still must be destroyed.

terraform destroy -target oktaasa_project.demo-project -target -target -target oktaasa_create_group.test-tf-group

Developing the Provider

If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (version 1.11+ is required). You'll also need to correctly setup a GOPATH, as well as adding $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH.

To compile the provider, run make build. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the $GOPATH/bin directory.

$ make bin
$ $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-oktaasa

In order to test the provider, you can simply run make test.

$ make test

In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, run make testacc.

Note: Acceptance tests create real resources, and often cost money to run.

$ make testacc

Special thanks to Aleksei Denisov and the Splunk Cloud team members who were the authors of the original provider which has since been re-purposed for this certified version